Quality Theatre Learning in English
High-definition theatre productions with behind-the-scenes insights for English enrichment and theatre learning
Creative Play
A diverse range of hands-on interactive content, animated videos, fun games and puzzles
Self-directed Learning anytime, anywhere
24/7 access wherever you are: at home or in school, on your PC or tablet
Walking the Amazon
In addition to being able to watch the high-definition video of a theatre production produced by AFTEC, the four online chapters will introduce you to the most outstanding explorers from different times and places, as well as the vast natural ecology of the Amazon River. Join us on this thrilling journey of imagination and discover about physical theatre, as well as the core values of perseverance and resilience.
All of us can be creative with a basic understanding of the arts, through practice and experience. digiAFTEC® Serendip is a fun and interactive online learning programme that has videos, a Serendip tote bag and face-to-face workshops to develop one’s cognitive and creative thinking skills.

A Young Person’s Guide to the Theatre
This is the ultimate guide to the theatre in English! Take an exclusive tour through the entire process of theatre-making to discover what goes on behind-the-scenes in a theatre production. Watch our high-definition videos from the live 2021 production of Comedy of Mistakes.
Suitable for P4 to S6

(Purchase on digiAFTEC® platform.
Accessible from now until March 2023)
The Tale of Robin Hood
Embark on a time-travelling journey to medieval England to uncover the trials and tribulations of Robin Hood and the band of Merry Men. With a presentation of TranXmedia video of The Tale of Robin Hood production (2020).
Suitable for P4 to S3
Imagine Adventure
Stranded on a remote island, how does a group of children fight for their survival using only their imagination? Premised on the local English language curriculum, Imagine Adventure is a brand-new story-telling programme focused on listening skills, non-verbal cues and stimulating the imagination.
Two language levels available. Suitable for P4 to P6

(Purchase on digiAFTEC® platform.
Accessible from now until March 2023)
馮鎮宇 Oscar Fung
於香港演藝學院取得榮譽學士學位,主修技術指導,曾於 New York Artist Unlimited 以及太陽劇團《Zaia》(澳門) 的技術部實習。熱愛舞台及戲劇教育工作,曾擔任誇啦啦的首席導演。與多間中、小學、劇團、商業機構和社會機構合作,主要負責技術及劇場製作工作。近年,馮氏參與由誇啦啦主辦的「賽馬會群藝群動計劃」及「賽馬會跨學科藝術創意學習計劃」,負責課程策劃。

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region