Jockey Club Arts-based Cross
Curriculum Creative Learning Project
Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Project is a 3-year long endeavour designed to complement the Hong Kong school curriculum to foster whole person development and lifewide learning in students from Keystage 2 (Primary 4-6).
The Project focuses on a thematic, cross-curriculum project learning approach to nurture self-directed learning capabilities in students through the integration of
- fundamental subject knowledge based on Key Learning Areas
- generic skills such as basic skills, thinking skills and personal and social skills
- and underpinned by a strong foundation of positive values and attitudes
This student-centred creative partnership project aims to prepare young people for the challenges of the 21st century by developing their Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration skills for Contribution to social capital (“5Cs”), bringing about an increase in creative practices in schools through the training of teachers in collaboration with Creative Practitioners (CPs).
Jockey Club Arts-based Cross Curriculum Creative Learning Project Impact Study 2021 – 2024 Final Report

Long discussions with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust from 2019 opened up the prospect of a collaborative partnership between itself and The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) to explore how the powers of the arts may positively affect change in quality knowledge acquisition, in attitudinal and behavioural shifts in students and cross-sector professionals alike.
This final report demonstrates the results of the 2021 – 2024 pilot project generously funded and strongly supported by the Trust. Infographic details to the Jockey Club Arts-based Cross Curriculum Creative Learning Project (JCABC) speak for themselves.
2023-24 Year Spotlights
Visual Diary
Spotlights on students
Spotlights on parents
Spotlights on students
Spotlights on parents
2022-23 Year Spotlights
Visual Diary
Spotlights on students
Talent Development: Cultivating Cross-sector Collaboration
Creativity in Thai Education: A Holistic Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
Approaches to Creativity in School in England over the Last 20 Years
2021-22 Year Spotlights

The training prompted a lot of personal growth and a stronger identity. The excellent breakdown and analysis of creativity helped to remind me why I was drawn to the arts and architecture in the first place.
Janet Tam
Creative practitioner (Architecture)
I discovered that I have to change before I can help my students make changes themselves. The fact is, it does not need to be huge change, a small step is also very important. Most important of all you have to enjoy the process.
Ms Hung
Teacher, Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School
I have been a visual arts teacher for many years. My teaching is creative and students love my visual arts classes. But I still have to re-think what a “Creative classroom” is. It’s a bit of a myth that the teacher is the product of an educational environment dominated by exams, and the training of “creative thinking” is superficial from cognition to practice. I am glad to be participating in the training workshop!
Mr Wong
Teacher, Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Primary School (Ping Shek)

The Creative classroom does not only refer to the actual environment, but also the teacher’s mental preparation: being willing to listen, letting students choose, tolerating their mistakes and uncertainties, encouraging interaction and resilience, and focusing on the process rather than results.
Ms Lui
Teacher, Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School
The training consolidates the theory through simple and practical activities, which helps us to apply new and existing skills more effectively.
Anne Lau
Creative practitioner (Props design and making)

Photos were taken before COVID-19
All the content of works are independently produced by the organiser/ creative team, and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Project nor the Funder