Beyond Bravo
The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) launched four cohorts of Bravo! Hong Kong Youth Theatre Awards (Bravo!) from 2013 to 2020, sponsored by and in strategic partnership with the Lee Hysan Foundation. The programme provided life education through acting and theatre, focusing on cultivating young people’s attitudes and life skills. Some graduates did not choose to pursue a career as professional actors, but the skills they had acquired from Bravo! continue to be useful for them in various industries.
Let’s follow Bravo! 2015-16 graduate Kaja Chan and take a journey to explore the development of several Bravo! graduates and the impact that theatre training has had on their lives.
“Drama training is like planting seeds in each person’s soul, which shows in each person’s behaviour and way of thinking, shaping and improving them as they grow.” – Bravo! graduate Kaja Chan
In 3 consecutive episodes, Beyond Bravo takes us to meet Bravo! graduates and see how theatre has had an impact on them. Even though some of them did not choose to become professional actors, the drama seeds planted back then sprouted in the hearts of the graduates, carrying on the power of Bravo! and drama art in their lives.
Episode 1: Wig and Gown
“Maybe one day I can achieve great things, and maybe I can also become one of those confident people.” – Bravo! graduate Kate Cheng
What kind of transformation can drama bring to a person?
The first episode interviews Bravo! 2015-16 graduate Kate Cheng. She shares how theatre gave her the courage to explore and believe in her capabilities outside her comfort zone.
Episode 2: The Next Step
“Bravo! taught me that it’s okay to get lost sometimes because you’ll eventually know what’s next.” – Bravo! graduate Dickson Lau
How does drama allow young people to unleash their talents outside of traditional academic settings?
The second episode interviews Bravo! 2015-16 graduate Dickson Lau. He shares how his learning has stayed with him, allowing him to sort out his thoughts and figure out who he wants to be during his lowest moments.
Episode 3: Years to Come
“Without Bravo!, I don’t think I would be here doing what I am doing now.” – Bravo! graduates Marco Tang & Tiffany Lai
The power of theatre not only affects the participants themselves but also changes those around them.
Episode 3 interviews Bravo! 2013-14 graduates Marco Tang and Tiffany Lai. They used what they learned and founded DuO Lab to bring drama education to different communities, connect each other through theatre, and try to use what they learned to help solve social problems.

Sponsor & Strategic Partner: Lee Hysan Foundation