Your ultimate guide to the theatre in English! Take an exclusive tour through the entire process of theatre-making to discover what goes on behind-the-scenes in a theatre production. Watch our high-definition videos from the live 2021 Comedy of Mistakes.
Suitable for P4 to S6
Free Online Programme
Theatre production 101
Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1 The Origins of Theatre
Chapter 2: All the World’s a stage
Chapter 3: Making a Play
Chapter 4: Cast and Crew
Chapter 5: Actors and Acting
Chapter 6: Costume and Makeup
Chapter 7: Set and Props
Chapter 8: Lighting and Sound
Chapter 9: Rehearsals
High-definition videos of the theatre
production Comedy of Mistakes (2021)
Games and quizzes
Bilingual glossary with audio
Build-your-own Theatre Kit
A perfect match for the online programme!
Now available at digiAFTEC®.
Content: 62-page workbook, box stage, cardboard sets, props and character templates, a puppet cut-out, finger lights, pins, string and other parts for crafts.
Price: $150
(including pickup from the AFTEC office in Shek Kip Mei or delivery to an SFHK Self-operated Network Point)
馮鎮宇 Oscar Fung
於香港演藝學院取得榮譽學士學位,主修技術指導,曾於 New York Artist Unlimited 以及太陽劇團《Zaia》(澳門) 的技術部實習。熱愛舞台及戲劇教育工作,曾擔任誇啦啦的首席導演。與多間中、小學、劇團、商業機構和社會機構合作,主要負責技術及劇場製作工作。近年,馮氏參與由誇啦啦主辦的「賽馬會群藝群動計劃」及「賽馬會跨學科藝術創意學習計劃」,負責課程策劃。

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region