Young Theatre Makers
Young Theatre Makers is a bilingual drama training programme that focuses primarily on analysing and understanding a play. Intended for secondary school students, the cross-curriculum scheme uses playscripts as a framework for discussion to develop students’ critical thinking.
Schools can choose from 14 original plays by playwrights from around the world. The plays deal with coming-of-age themes that resonate with young participants, and aim to stimulate interesting debate and dialogue. By combining showcase and discussion, the programme uncovers just how much the arts can help us understand life.
Key Learning Areas
Arts Education; Personal, Social & Humanities Education
Cantonese or English
Face-to-face (Online format possible subject to COVID-19 restrictions)
Contact hours
20 hours in-school workshop; Inter-school exchange and discussion; 8 hours rehearsal, showcase and discussion in the theatre
Teachers’ support
CPD for teachers
30 students & 4 teachers maximum per group
$30,000 per group
Enquiries & Enrolment: 2520 1716
- 20-hours drama workshop using play scripts as a framework for discussion and critical thinking
- Create a 30-minute work-in-progress showcase of an extract of the selected play
- Give teachers the basic skills by involving them fully in the drama workshops, giving constructive feedback and offering continued contact and assistance throughout the programme
- Paired exchange and discussion sessions to be arranged among participating schools
- Rehearse and perform a work-in-progress showcase in Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre
- Post-show in-depth discussion on stage
Fourteen plays with Chinese and English scripts are available for schools to choose from. Through the Plays for Young People project, AFTEC brought together international playwrights and local translators to create fourteen original plays for young people aged 23 and under. These selected plays, written by playwrights from Hong Kong, the Silk Road, the UK and Sweden, will be used in the Young Theatre Makers programme. PLAYS AT A GLANCE
During the drama workshop, I not only learnt how to act, but also discovered the importance of teamwork by helping and supporting each other succeed in our final performance. What I enjoyed the most was how we were encouraged to put ourselves in the characters’ shoes. It was really fun and helped me understand the story more!
Youth College (International) – Tsing Yi Site

Students learn to respect the play, analyse the script, and rebuild the scene of a play in a local setting. I like this concept and the design of the programme.