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Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club Arts-based Cross Curriculum Creative Learning Project (JCABC) is a 3-year long endeavour designed to complement the Hong Kong school curriculum to foster whole person development and lifewide learning in students from Keystage 2 (Primary 4-6).
Programme Objectives
The Project focuses on a thematic, cross-curriculum project learning approach to nurture self-directed learning capabilities in students through the integration of
- fundamental subject knowledge based on Key Learning Areas,
- generic skills such as basic skills, thinking skills and personal and social skills
- and underpinned by a strong foundation of positive values and attitudes.
This student-centred creative partnership project aims to prepare young people for the challenges of the 21st century by developing their Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration skills for Contribution to social capital (“5Cs”), bringing about an increase in creative practices in schools through the training of teachers in collaboration with Creative Practitioners (CPs).
The JCABC Project is based around each participating school collaborating with JCABC Creative Practitioners to co-design and co-create a programme entirely unique and exclusive to each school.
The JCABC Project will:
- Enhance students’ creative thinking & be further motivated to be self starters
- via cross-curriculum learning through different art forms
- with blended Learning
- inspired by experienced Creative Practitioners
- co-designing & co-creating with teachers
- and free participation with $10,000 subsidy for per successful school*
*$10,000 subsidy for project materials reimbursement upon (presentation of original) receipts. Purchase of materials to be duly agreed with school and AFTEC.
Intended Learning Outcomes for participating schools
Students who:
- Enjoy creative freedom resulting in higher motivation
- Learn to explore without fear and to develop resilience and self-directed learning
- Develop in an environment that is tolerant of ambiguity, paradox and with diverse points of view
- Understand creativity is applicable in all disciplines within the school curriculum and in life for life-wide learning
- Higher order creative and multi-perspective thinking skills for whole person education
Teachers who:
- Gain a sense of risk taking and freedom in playing with different approaches to teaching
- Understand diversity and differentiation based on the individual needs and characteristics of their students
- Grow their confidence and capacity to teach for creative learning and act as facilitators
- Become deeper reflective practitioners
- Contribute to the overall creative culture in the school