Bravo! 2019-20 FAQ
Eligibility | Applications | Fee | Face-to-face Audition | Local & Overseas Training | Stream & Langauge
i. Applicants must be full-time students who are permanent Hong Kong residents between the age of 13 and 18 at the time of application. This means eligible applicants should be born between 28 Feb 2000 and 27 Feb 2006.
ii. DSE or University students within age range can also apply.
iii. Applicants must be passionate about, committed to and talented in acting.
iv. Priority will be given to the financially-underprivileged. The Government’s poverty line guidelines will be used by AFTEC to gauge the provision of financial support.
v. Previously admitted participants will not be considered.
2) Can I still apply to Bravo! if I am between the age of 13 and 18, but am not a full-time student?
Unfortunately, Bravo! is only open to full-time students.
3) If I have previously applied to the 2013-14/ 2015-16/ 2017-18 Bravo! but was not admitted, can I apply again this year?
Yes, you are welcome to apply again this year.
4) Is Bravo! only open to young people who have previously taken part in programmes offered by AFTEC?
No. We welcome those who have yet to be affiliated with AFTEC.
5) Will young people with AFTEC programme experience have an advantage or be given priority?
Acting ability, commitment and passion are the main considerations irrespective of an applicant’s association with AFTEC in the past.
Only online applications are accepted. Please contact us by phone (2520 1716) if you require any assistance with the application process.
2) What should I pay attention to when filling the online application form?
i. Web Browser
We recommend you to use Google Chrome 71, Firefox 63 or Internet Explorer 11 above for the application.
ii. Registration
After registration, the system will generate a verification email to the email address used for registration. Applicants are required to verify through their email account before the first login. If you fail to receive the activation email, please check spam/ junk box of your email.
iii. Forgot Password
Please click ‘Forgot Password’. The system will generate a ‘Reset Password Token’ to the email address used for registration. Please contact us at 2520 1716 should you need further assistance.
iv. Unable to proceed to the next part in the application form
Please make sure you’ve filled in all items required in that part.
※The system will save all the data you have provided when you click any button on each page.
3) If I have previously participated in AFTEC programmes, can I invite AFTEC current or past Board members or staff to be my referee?
4) Where can I obtain the monologues I can use to prepare for my audition video?
The monologues (in both written and audio form) are available at the appendices page along with all relevant information. These audio clips are used for demonstration purpose only.
5) Which language should I use in my audition video and application form?
The language used depends on the stream you have chosen. For Physical Theatre, please choose and use either Cantonese (Chinese) or English. For Classic Theatre, please use English only.
6) I am a University student, who can sign the ‘Endorsement Form for School Principal/ Vice-principals’ for me?
You can ask your Head of department for endorsement.
7) What are the selection criteria for the audition videos?
We will consider the applicant’s voice (articulation, pronunciation, volume and emotional expressiveness), body language, and ability to forcefully communicate the character. Videos must be full-length shots as Bravo! is theatre training and not film/TV. Costumes are not encouraged.
Local training (Bravo Hong Kong) is free for all successful applicants. Overseas training programmes (Bravo Asia and Bravo International) are offered on a self-funded or free basis depending on the applicants’ financial background.
2) How will AFTEC assess the financial status of Bravo! applicants?
Applicants are required to declare their family’s financial status in the application form. Once admitted into Bravo!, participants whose families are recipients of financial aid are required to submit written proof. Participants who fail to provide adequate, accurate and bona fide information will be withdrawn. All documents and information submitted to AFTEC will be used for application purpose only and kept strictly confidential.
3) Will priority be given to applicants from underprivileged background?
4) If my family and I are not recipients of any financial aid, but we do not have the financial means for overseas training programmes, can I still apply for Bravo!?
Yes. Please declare your family’s financial status in Part 3 of the online application form. All information provided shall be considered by AFTEC.
5) What is the cost of Bravo Asia and Bravo International if I am a self-funded participant?
The estimated cost of Bravo Asia is HK$15,000-20,000. This includes return economy airfare, all transportation, accommodation, most meals, cultural outings and the 2-week intensive training at Cloud Gate Dance School.
The estimated cost of Bravo International is HK$50,000-55,000. This includes return economy airfare for a direct flight, all transportation, accommodation, most meals, cultural outings and the 4-week intensive training at LAMDA.
Applicants must upload a video audition monologue on YouTube (see ‘Appendix IV Uploading the Audition Videos onto YouTube’ for details) and shortlisted candidates will be invited to a face-to-face audition in March.
2) Once I have submitted the application form and audition video, does it mean I am already invited to attend a face-to-face audition?
No. Only shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an audition in person after preliminary vetting. Shortlisted candidates will also be notified individually by email on 7 Mar 2019 (Thu).
3) When will the face-to-face audition take place?
The face-to-face audition will be conducted on 16-17 Mar 2019 (Sat-Sun). Further notice will be sent to shortlisted applicants by email.
4) If I am unable to come for an audition on the specified date, can the audition be rearranged to another date?
If you are unable to attend the audition on the specified date due to special circumstances, please inform AFTEC in writing before 8 Mar 2019 (Fri) for possible alternative slots. Applicants who are absent at the audition without prior permission will no longer be considered.
5) What is expected of me in the audition?
The audition will require you to introduce yourself, perform selected passages (including seen and maybe unseen passages), and respond to questions. A more detailed rundown will be forwarded to shortlisted applicants by email.
6) When will results and acceptance into Bravo! be announced?
All successful applicants will be individually notified by email on 21 Mar 2019 (Thu).
AFTEC believes that continuous and long-term training cultivates acting quality and personal growth of the individual. The best results come with time, perseverance and commitment. In addition, the participants’ performance over time throughout the training in Hong Kong (formative assessment) and at the final audition in April 2018 (summative assessment) will be taken into consideration for overseas training selection.
2) Is this asking for too much from young people who has to attend school?
Bravo! graduates proved that the talent and commitment of Hong Kong’s young people to acting and personal growth is phenomenal. They did it and so can you!
3) Is Bravo Hong Kong segment mandatory?
Yes. Attendance and performances in Bravo Hong Kong training (April 2019 – April 2020) are the basis upon which the adjudication panel selects the final candidates for overseas training.
4) If I am unable to attend some of the training, would AFTEC process my request?
Special leave may be granted if the participant is unable to attend some of the training. At the same time, all successful applicants admitted to Bravo! Scheme must complete Bravo Hong Kong (local training including acting workshops, rehearsals, performances, social service through the arts and refresher workshops etc.) with at least 80% attendance in each of the local training programmes (100% for local performances) and in a satisfactory manner before they are eligible for final auditions in April 2020 for Bravo Asia and Bravo International training.
5) If I have to withdraw from Bravo!, how would AFTEC process my request?
Participants who wish to withdraw from Bravo! must submit an application in writing to AFTEC with reasons for withdrawal. AFTEC reserves the right to meet with signatories on the application form, and the right to seek compensation for pro rata cost expended on the participant.
6) Can I take part in overseas training without prior participation in the training provided in Hong Kong?
No. To ensure the quality of our candidates, all participants in overseas training must first complete the training programme in Hong Kong.
7) What are the differences between the training programmes offered in London and in Taipei?
Bravo International (London) is a 4-week programme whereas Bravo Asia (Taipei) is 2 weeks. The former takes participants to a higher level in Physical or Classic Theatre. The latter offers advanced movement training. Both provide cultural outings. Detailed information on overseas training will be announced in early 2020.
8) Can I withdraw from the overseas training after being selected and agreed to go?
A fully-funded participant will need to compensate AFTEC for the pro rata cost expended on him/her at the time of withdrawal. As for self-funded participants, all payment made to AFTEC prior to withdrawal will not be refunded.
Physical Theatre is training in using the body to express acting and meaning with some lines involved. Classic Theatre is much more text-based acting, more familiar to students in Hong Kong.
2) What if my English language ability is not good enough?
Please consider applying for Physical Theatre stream. Classic Theatre stream requires participants to have good command of English.
3) If I speak English and Putonghua only, which stream would you recommend me to choose?
If you are not able to manage conversational Cantonese, please apply for Classic Theatre stream.
4) If I speak English and Cantonese but cannot read Chinese, what should I do?
If you are able to manage conversational Cantonese, you can apply for Physical Theatre stream. Otherwise, please apply for Classic Theatre stream.
5) Can I sign up for both streams?
You are permitted to sign up for ONE stream only. Please note that AFTEC may offer a successful applicant another stream pending face-to-face auditions.
6) Can I sign up for one stream and take part in the other stream’s youth theatre production?
To ensure consistent and sustainable development throughout your training, you can only participate in ONE stream’s workshops and theatre production.
7) Can I change to the other stream after I have been accepted?
Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, you will not be able to change to another stream.
8) Will Bravo International training in London be very difficult for who are less proficient in English?
In previous cohorts, we had participants who were not confident in English. The key is a willingness to learn, to speak in English and to ask.