Press Release
What is creative learning? Why does it matter and how can it improve us all round?
Contrary to popular belief, creative learning is not just relevant to artists and the arts. No matter what background or discipline, from students to the highest levels, creative learning sparks the imagination and inspires us to forge new paths.
The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) invites you to join its free public Creative Conversation “Creative Learning Matters—The Arts & Beyond” on 9 July 2021 (Fri) from 5pm to 6:30pm (HK Time) in JC Cube, Tai Kwun. As the launch for the Jockey Club Arts-based Cross Curriculum Creative Learning Project (JCABC), this free event will be conducted mainly in Cantonese and live streamed at art-mate’s video room and AFTEC’s Facebook. Registration via art-mate is required.
Officiated by Vincent Liu Ming Kwong, JP (Director, Leisure and Cultural Services Department) and Ms Winnie Yip (Executive Manager, Charities (Grant Making – Arts, Culture, Heritage and Talent Development), Hong Kong Jockey Club), a host of young people, scholars and practitioners from diverse fields will speak on how creative learning cuts across diverse disciplines. Distinguished speakers Ms Leung Kam Ling, Connie (former Executive Secretary, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong) and Professor Gabriel M Leung (Dean, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) will surely inspire with their perspectives on social work and medicine has benefitted from creative learning.
Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust,JCABC is AFTEC’s 3-year long pilot endeavour designed to complement the Hong Kong school curriculum aiming to foster whole person development and lifewide learning in students from 10 schools. This student-centred creative partnership project aims to prepare young people for the challenges of the 21st century by developing their Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration skills for Contribution to the social capitals (5Cs), cultivating creative practices in schools through the training of teachers in collaboration with creative practitioners. Through creative classrooms, cultural outings, blended learning, knowledge exchange with local and overseas experts in inter-school showcases, the project will also reach a network of schools and teachers beyond the project participants.
About AFTEC:
About JCABC (in Chinese):
Media contact: Lily Lee (Marketing & Communications Manager)|2520 1416/ 9655 2473 |[email protected]