Acting Training in
Hong Kong, Taipei and London
Bravo! is a bilingual acting and life-skills scheme based in Hong Kong, Taipei and London for talented 13-18 year old full-time students. With the Lee Hysan Foundation as the Strategic Partner & Sponsor, the ground breaking pilot scheme in 2013-14 continues with another round over 1.5 years with professional acting training in Physical or Classic theatre. In 2015-16, the prestigious LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) is back in full force as the Learning Partner offering high quality tertiary level instruction, while Cloud Gate Dance School in Taipei is Learning Partner for Bravo Asia.
There are 3 tiers:
• Bravo Hong Kong: a maximum of 50 participants for training in Hong Kong by local and LAMDA tutors (free).
• Bravo International: a maximum of 20 participants are awarded further training in London at LAMDA (self-funded or free).
• Bravo Asia: a maximum of 10 participants are selected for further training in Cloud Gate Dance School, Taipei (self-funded or free).
Bravo! website:
The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection is financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.