Plays for Young People II Reader’s Theatre

Performed by Bravo! 2017/18 Graduates

Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Art Studio 2
1.12.2018 (Sat) 7:15-7:45pm
2.12.2018 (Sun) 2:15-2:45pm

Plays for Young People aims at nurturing local translators and bringing quality plays for young people to Hong Kong through translating the plays in Chinese or English. After the symposium and workshop in March 2018, the emerging translators of the programme worked under the mentorship of three veteran translators to translate six overseas plays written by playwrights from the new silk route.

The reader’s theatre will present an exclusive & stimulating preview on excerpts reading of winning translation work of six plays with inspiring themes:

1.12.2018 (Sat) 7:15-7:45pm
《機械人法朗》 Franky
Playwrights: Vicki Ooi (Hong Kong, China) & Thomas Lawson (London, UK)
Emerging Translator Awardee: Chan Tsz Ching Rachel
《橄欖樹下愛流傳》 Love in the Olive Times
Playwright: Dragana Tripković (Podgorica, Montenegro)
Emerging Translator Awardee: Ng Jenny
《想吹口哨,就吹口哨》 When I Want to Whistle, I Whistle
Playwright: Andreea Vălean (Bucharest, Romania)
Emerging Translator Awardee: Cheung Yin Man Mandy
2.12.2018 (Sun) 2:15-2:45pm
《50/50》 Fifty-Fifty
Playwright: Milena Bogovac (Belgrade, Serbia)
Emerging Translator Awardee: Ma Ka Ying Jolian
《紅月亮》 Red Moon
Playwrights: Deng Lipang (Xi’an, China), Oscar Fung & Vicki Ooi (Hong Kong, China)
Emerging Translator Awardee: Chan Wing Kit Steven
《青春之河》 The River of Youth
Playwright: Prof Hasan Erkek (Istabul, Turkey)
Emerging Translator Awardee: Lo Siu Hang Lorenz

Local veteran translators:

  • Prof Jane Lai (Emeritus Professor and Honorary Professor of Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University)
  • Dominic Cheung (Veteran theatre professional and translator)
  • Julia Wan (Part-time Lecturer, Department of English Language & Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Jonathan Meth (Founder, The Fence, an international network for working playwrights across Europe)

The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection is financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The presenter reserves the right to change or cancel any programme should unavoidable circumstances occur.

© The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Company Limited. A registered charity. All Rights Reserved

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